Pluto in Your Brain is the second book in the first trilogy of Kerrie Redgate’s multiple-trilogy research series, Astrology & Mind — it explains how & why Pluto effects major paradigm shifts in global culture while also causing sub-generational divides, and how we can take advantage of these changes
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More about this book, with excerpts
here soon … Some notes below▼
Pluto In Your Brain: Generations & Paradigms is a comprehensive book on the workings of global paradigm shifts — why and how they occur, what it is that drives our ‘collective consciousness’, and the precise astrological timings for these shifts, negating the need for conflicting opinions by those who study economical and political demographics.
These paradigm shifts have defined, and continue to define, generations and sub-generations of people throughout the world. So this book will also include historical evidence that takes us back to the opening of the 20th century, covering nine generations of people, all those alive today and those some of us remember as Grandparents.
This vital information can have a profound effect on how we educate various generations of school children, how we interact with various generations of employees within one company or organization, and how we handle Politics for the masses. Not to mention our Ages-old parent-child dilemmas!
As we have now moved into a new Astrological paradigm, this book is even more urgent for us all, and so will be published as part of the first trilogy of my Astrology & Mind series, and scheduled for late 2025.